Saturday, August 6, 2011

5 Day Shakeology Challenge

I am running a 5 day Shakeology challenge. You have heard me rave about Shakeology, now is your chance to try it for 5 days to see what it can do for you!

What you need to do:

Sign up as a customer on my Beachbody site:​BeccaCoach

Let me know what flavor of Shakeology you would like: Greenberry, Chocolate or a mixture of both. I need to know this by August 10th so I can get them to you in time to start.

Send a check or paypal to me for $25. That covers your Shakeology for the challenge. Or you can order a larger bag at​ccaCoach

Commit to drinking Shakeology once a day for 5 days.

Commit to at least 30 minutes of exercise every day for 5 days.

Submit a complete food journal to me every evening during the challenge. If you bite it, you write it!

I will send you a healthy dose of motivation every morning. I can also give you a meal plan to follow, if you are interested. I will review your food journal and offer suggestions as needed. When you feel like you don't want to do it anymore, I'll be there to remind you why you are doing this in the first place. ;) There will be a raffle type drawing of everyone who completes the challenge. The prize will be determined later! The more people who sign up, the more prizes there will be!

Please feel free to message or email me with any questions!

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